Awakening with Koans
A Conversation with Joan Sutherland and Megan Rundel
California Institute of Integral Studies.
California Institute of Integral Studies.

Small Dreams
Six short videos – When we were making the video "The Radiance of the Dark," we shot a long interview of Joan Sutherland by Piper Leigh, some of which became part of Radiance. The entire interview has been edited into six short pieces called Small Dreams. These spontaneous reflections on personal, historical, philosophical, and practical aspects of our Way give some context and back story to Joan's more formal teaching.(2015)
Six short videos – When we were making the video "The Radiance of the Dark," we shot a long interview of Joan Sutherland by Piper Leigh, some of which became part of Radiance. The entire interview has been edited into six short pieces called Small Dreams. These spontaneous reflections on personal, historical, philosophical, and practical aspects of our Way give some context and back story to Joan's more formal teaching.(2015)
Standing at the Blue Cliff
In Autumn 2012, Zen koan masters John Tarrant and Joan Sutherland came together to converse about The Blue Cliff Record, the first great collection of koans, now almost 1,000 years old. It's a text filled with stories that change you. We are thrilled to be able to offer this DVD record of the event – a chance to witness their collaboration in a set of live conversations about Zen, koans, and enlightenment.
The Radiance of the Dark
A short film on Joan Sutherland's Zen vision of awakening that embraces endarkenment as well as enlightenment
I learned something about my own endarkenment, and how it can be a gate, and is so necessary (96%!) and important to explore that dark.
- ~ Marion Power
Joan Sutherland is one of the true teachers of our time and she has made a little film that is full of her luminous and clear teachings. It's beautiful and encouraging.
- ~ John Tarrant, Roshi