Open Source - Ceremonies

Open Source - Ceremonies
Ceremonies unite the lives of individuals with the life of our community, and with our ancestors and the spirit world. They mark thresholds and are occasions of remem-bering, celebration, and transformation. These particular ceremonies are used at Pacific Zen Institute and within The Open Source, and were given their present forms by myself or in collaboration with John Tarrant. Some are based on very old rituals, and some were created recently. All have evolved to express ancient traditions in a symbolic language that respects and resonates with our time and place. It’s customary that the Holder of the Ceremony be a roshi, sensei, or other teacher.
I Cover, Index, Origin Stories, p. i - 2
II The Wheel of the Year, p. 3 - 16
1 Spring - Buddha's Birthday | 2 Summer - Feeding Hungry Ghosts | 3 Autumn - Ceremony for the Beloved Dead | 4 Winter Solstice - Light & Dark | 5 New Year's Eve - Beginning Again
III The Wheel of Life, p. 17 - 38
6 Refuge Ceremony | 7 Shoken Ceremony | 8 Wedding & Commitment Ceremony | 9 Baby Welcoming Ceremony | 10 When Someone Dies | 11 Funeral & Memorial Service | 12 Forty-Nine Day Ceremony | 13 Ceremony for Installing Ancestors
IV Appendix A, p. 39 - 43
Invocations | Blessings - New Meditation Hall, Statues, Circumambulation Chant, New Home, New Teacher,
V Appendix B, p. 44-51
Guanyin Oracle Cards
- Blessings on all yr ceremonies, large and small, formal and impromptu. May they be warm fields and lovely gates, and may the beings of many realms be delighted to join you.
- Because of the size, we've broken the manual down into parts which are meant to be printed double-sided and all go together. Scroll to the bottom for PDF links including one for the complete manual.
I Cover, Index, Origin Stories, p. i - 2
II The Wheel of the Year, p. 3 - 16
1 Spring - Buddha's Birthday | 2 Summer - Feeding Hungry Ghosts | 3 Autumn - Ceremony for the Beloved Dead | 4 Winter Solstice - Light & Dark | 5 New Year's Eve - Beginning Again
III The Wheel of Life, p. 17 - 38
6 Refuge Ceremony | 7 Shoken Ceremony | 8 Wedding & Commitment Ceremony | 9 Baby Welcoming Ceremony | 10 When Someone Dies | 11 Funeral & Memorial Service | 12 Forty-Nine Day Ceremony | 13 Ceremony for Installing Ancestors
IV Appendix A, p. 39 - 43
Invocations | Blessings - New Meditation Hall, Statues, Circumambulation Chant, New Home, New Teacher,
V Appendix B, p. 44-51
Guanyin Oracle Cards
I Cover, Index, Origin Stories | ||
II Wheel of the Year | ||
III Wheel of Life | ||
IV Appendix A - Invocations and Blessings | ||
V Appendix B - Guanyin Oracles | ||
Ceremonies (Complete Manual) 51p |